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La Italiana Gourmet




Visual Identity

Packaging design


The Gourmet Label
holds a very special place in our hearts and is one of those "gems" that any agency can put on a mantlepiece.



"Pomodori Secchi" is the one that set the standard for the entire Gourmet Label, when it comes to the way the brand should be perceived. We chose to use drawings to depict very well known places in Italy, like the area of Naples, where dried tomatoes are famously made. The Volcano and the Sea, with the use of vibrant, textured brushes, accentuate the idea of warmth.

We wanted to bring together the words "authentic" and "the good old days" with "2021" in the same sentence.



Pentru Anghinare am avut de realizat 2 etichete: pentru produsul comercializat intreg si pentru cel in bucati.


Eticheta pentru Capere este cea mai colorata si vibranta, identificand un intreg camp de capere verzi care cresc sub un soare puternic.

Aceste categorii de produse, din familia Gourmet au fost create pentru piata “premium”.

Totul, de la fonturi, texturi, folie aurie si reprezentarea imaginilor trebuie sa fie in concordanta cu felul in care ar trebui sa arate un produs contemporan, dar autentic, pe raft.

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